Wilful waste makes woeful want
Waste not, want not. It means that wise use of ones resources will keep one from poverty. It’s a very

The quintessentially British dessert – Summer Pudding
To be honest I couldn’t pick a winner as they all tasted much the same. It’s a testament to the simplicity

Food outside of London…
I ate at Pitt Cue this month. I haven’t been there for a while and every so often I like

Social Eating and the New Wave of Fine Dining
A memorable example of invasiveness comes to mind from when I turned 30. I had frequented a very reputable restaurant

The Great British Sarnie
The sandwich, along with the wheel and dynamite, is one of man’s greatest inventions. Initially created for the Earl of

I am man, I hunt food!
Sometimes the Winter months can test you in regards to seasonal menu writing. Don’t get me wrong we have some