How far have we come on food front and how much further can it go?
It made me think how much of our social lives seem to revolve around food and drink, especially out of

Beautiful Contract Catering
A Violinist in the Metro ‘A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the

Jamaican cuisine
Like Cuba, Jamaican cuisine has some Spanish influence from early settlers who brought sugar cane, citrus, coconuts, pigs, cattle and

Christmas Party – bartlett mitchell style
Its current inhabitants are the Bengali community; inspired by this our theme was curry and Bollywood. We owe a big

Catering in the business – Making a difference
Catering in office and manufacturing buildings is an immense economic investment, but perhaps it is an oversight to look at

bartlett mitchell becomes the first contract caterer to achieve top three-star SRA company assessment
Boutique contract caterer bartlett mitchell has just achieved the Sustainable Restaurant Association’s (SRA) top Three-star Champion status rating for the