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All the latest BM Caterers news, including podcasts, blogs, recipes, restaurant reviews and insightful reports.

Wendy Bartlett hospitality

bartlett mitchell’s newly qualified barista, Wendy Bartlett

So there I was last week spending 2 ½ days learning how to be a barista and course complete, I


Let’s be grateful for that simple, clean, clear freshwater

Today’s message is a stark reminder that we have great water just at the turning of a tap and not


A Sunny Week in Malta…

For those of you that have never been, Malta is a lovely island in the Mediterranean about 50 miles south


The magical honour of receiving an MBE

Firstly there were the frequently asked questions: Did I know I if had been nominated? No not at all; I


Coffee… A very important beverage in our business

Hello all This time I’m looking at Coffee; a very important beverage in our business. It provides excellent margin opportunities and if


The quintessentially British dessert – Summer Pudding

To be honest I couldn’t pick a winner as they all tasted much the same. It’s a testament to the simplicity


Talk about being ultra-niche…

How many times have you popped to your local shop to grab a few beers, only wishing you could select


Food outside of London…

I ate at Pitt Cue this month. I haven’t been there for a while and every so often I like


Gin… all you ever needed to know

It was really interesting and indeed very educational, in fact fascinating, so I thought I would share some of the interesting


Does Dude Food Still Rule?

Back then, dude food in the UK was just on the rise. Jamie Oliver was new to the scene and


The Journey into Discovery

The food I see presented to our customers is soooo me. It’s creative, on trend and a pushes up the


Social Eating and the New Wave of Fine Dining

A memorable example of invasiveness comes to mind from when I turned 30. I had frequented a very reputable restaurant


DARE yourself

This is interesting, a high street caterer recently told me that when they calorie counted their items, their sales dropped


The Great British Sarnie

The sandwich, along with the wheel and dynamite, is one of man’s greatest inventions. Initially created for the Earl of


Truth and consequences

It has been a giant marketing campaign; miles of billboard adverts, acres of broadcast airtime, celebrity endorsements, sound-bites, slogans, and branded battle


Not a fried Mars bar in sight!

We started our Scottish road trip in Edinburgh. Not too far from the border, this friendly city manages to balance


I am man, I hunt food!

Sometimes the Winter months can test you in regards to seasonal menu writing. Don’t get me wrong we have some


Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution

I am with Jamie Oliver on this one and urge all of you, particularly those in our industry, to sign


‘The Look’

Whilst on my trip I had a range of different experiences in various hotels – all of the hotels were


Simon’s Foodie Tour of South Africa

Constantia and surround We left Heathrow after a pretty tasty bowl of super noodles, sat on a lengthy 11 hour flight


Russian Roulette

Where do they want to go? Do they want to try the latest restaurant, pop-up, or street food stand? No.


Existentialism on the jubliee line

I have been to quite a few canapé events in my time and I knew that the people attending that


I think there is something wrong with me!

I made only one New Year’s resolution – to eat less meat and to eat more vegetables, with the meat


Sustainable Caterer of the Year for a second year running

“Catering in over 85 sites bartlett mitchell has the potential to make a real difference. This award demonstrates that the