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All the latest BM Caterers news, including podcasts, blogs, recipes, restaurant reviews and insightful reports.


Those awful allergens

What I find most extraordinary is that some contract caterers are using this legislation as a means to insist that


Guilty Pleasures

At bartlett mitchell, we have a reputation we pride ourselves on which is all based around fresh, beautifully prepared food.


Season to success

The only way to truly understand this is by constant practice and constant taste assessment. There is a curse of


It’s all about the food

I always liked eating but I only really discovered the joy of great food when I met our founders –


My Perfect Foodie Weekend Getaways

The first trip was San Sebastian, without doubt the foodie capital of the world. I had told my foodie friends what


The process of a thought

I don’t do lot of things often: family get-togethers, walks in the park, sleep, shave or go shopping. The latter


Food from the Czech Republic

As we really start getting into the middle of winter, we tend to prefer heartier food that gives us energy


The rise of the street food scene

Long gone are the days when street food meant greasy sausages and over fried onions from dodgy and often illegal


Sometimes you’re the hammer, sometimes you’re the nail

If you are one of the very lucky people like me who actually gets paid to do the thing you


New England

One of the first parts of America to be colonised, the North East area of the US known as New


An aerobic digestive system

Although actually they weren’t. They are now deemed to be too high in sugar and the advert is banned from


BIFM September 2014

If anyone has read any of my previous blogs, you might have noticed that I don’t like fitting in. I


Hospitality is the 4th largest employer

The hosts were Will and April, they were completely inspiring – imagine what it must be like for young people to


20,000 pencils are on their way to Gambia courtesy of bm

Gary Pretty, Chairman of the Project has been very lucky to get a palette load of pencils from another Rotary


A beekeeping experience

The first step was to put on my white beekeeping suit, I was told to bring my own marigolds and


Why Britain means so much

She could have it with any meal but the fact that she is happy with Peruvian asparagus infuriates me! Why


Sugar buzz

The other day I was in a contract where the client was saying how much they loved all the ‘sweet’


Much of what goes on in purchasing is pretty dull

I was in Lincolnshire and I thought I could combine the day with another supplier meeting on the way home



The separate regions of the Germany like Bavaria, Saxony, and the Rhineland regions have all had an influence on today’s


Organic growth, rising revenues and profits

Over the last 4 years, the company has increased turnover by 21% and its net assets have increased by 51%


If you’re not crashing, you’re not trying

I didn’t get it. As the years rolled on, my once beautiful hair line started to slowly creep towards the

Blog bartlett mitchell

Entrepreneurial thinking is an important part of customer care

My first experience was on my way northwards. A delightful ‘business class’ East Coast Trains attendant asked the gentleman opposite


Breakfast like an Emperor

What to eat Pancakes American style Use 50/50 wholemeal and white plain flour or even add bran flour. You can


Thoughts on customer service from Wendy

I went into a phone shop to sort out a new mobile contract and was feeling less than enthusiastic about