Covid-19 Info Hub
H&S Connect & Collaborate Webinar

As part of our ‘Connect & Collaborate’ webinar series, we recently reached out to bring our facilities client’s wider teams into the discussion. The next series of topics include; Health & Safety, HR/Wellbeing and Diversity and Inclusion.
The first of these took place at the end of August, this was aimed at our client’s Health and Safety teams. The purpose was to share Covid-19 related best-practices.
Connect and collaborate webinar hosted by
The informal round table format hosted with Sally Grimes, our Quality Standards Manager and Ian Thomas, CEO was supported by Rob Easton (Shield Safety Group). The open discussion shared Covid-19 secure ideas and learning.
The session was structured around 3 areas
- Enhanced Procedures
- Challenges and Team Engagement
- Survey polls.
The attendees from corporate clients, FM companies and consultancies, provided very similar experiences despite coming from different perspectives. Interestingly, all felt that the pandemic had strengthened their organisation’s ability to deliver Business Continuity Planning! The concerning statistic shared showed that versus our European cousins with 70% office occupancy, 68% of UK companies have between 10%-30% occupancy.
The Findings
Whilst sadly no CPD points were earnt, the lively discussion was equally valuable with all the attendees sharing their successes and challenges. The outputs and ideas from the webinar are included in this handy infographic, fulfilling the primary purpose of the Connect and Collaborate webinars.