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How to develop a contract catering strategy

contract catering strategy

Understanding the client’s catering vision is key. A well-defined strategy with clear objectives simplifies decision-making and paves the way for success.

Set objectives

Some organisations provide free or subsidised meals for their employees. This can be a valuable part of their employment package and a key element of an organisation’s attraction and retention strategy.

Other organisations may choose in-house catering because their building is located in a remote area or where there is limited choice locally for staff to buy their own lunch. In-house catering can aid productivity as it encourages staff to stay on site.

With the increased importance of wellbeing on the corporate agenda, some organisations choose to provide a contract catering service that supports the wellbeing of their staff.

A well designed restaurant and café can act as a hub for connectivity and sharing ideas. There are plenty of examples showing the value created when the walls in corporate silos are removed.
Some organisations require hospitality and fine dining as a client relationship and business development tool for entertaining guests.

The caterer must understand the client’s objectives before they start to build a strategy and proposal. To compile a catering strategy it’s helpful to consider these areas.

Service scope

Understanding customers

Quality assurance and sustainability

Tariff and financial objectives

The financial outcome of the catering service will be driven by the range of services, number of staff on site, the tariff and contract style.
For example, if a policy of free issue meals or coffee are adopted, the cost to the client will be higher. Conversely, a gross profit will reduce the subsidy. To understand the financial implications of different catering contracts read our guide.