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Bringing the BM Family Together


The #bmfamily💜💚 came together for a full on – face to face – #FundamentallyFoodies AGM. It was wonderful to see over 100 happy faces, and to be able to connect again all the senior site team members.

Since we started the BM business we’ve always had two annual gatherings, to celebrate our values and #FundamentallyFoodie culture – it’s one of our basic fundamentals.

Bringing the BM Family Together

It’s an opportunity to ‘walk the talk’ and reinforce our values; being about great food and people. Whilst I appreciate this can be done remotely – and during covid we did indeed do this, to make sure we  stayed focused on what’s important – BUT being together is a totally different level!  It was uplifting, like being at the airport arrivals when you see the joy of people meeting after a time apart. There is no energy like friends/family meeting again.

It was also rewarding to get such positive feedback on how we are doing, how the change in joining with WSH has been minimal to our culture and how being there for each other has sustained us all.

I particularly loved meeting people who had to leave BM, because of redundancy or other circumstances, but had rejoined us recently. In their words; there is no company out there like this and they loved being back in the fold. We really do feel like a family; demonstrated by the support you get from everyone, the connection and communication via our many mediums and most importantly that we do what we say we’ll do.

Fundamentally Food

The sessions were all about #FundamentallyFood – we had the yummiest global breakfast offer – so nice to embrace what our customers can enjoy. We also showcased our Vitality range and my personal favourite a focus on fish offer – we definitely don’t eat enough as a nation. It was also good to see – #EatWithTheEarthInMind being strengthened yet again, with the team showing the real impact each of us can do, as individuals, with the choices we make.

The food was, as always, sensational. Pete, our Chef Director, with his team of chef magicians, pulled out great examples of excellence.

Support You Can Trust

We also celebrated two special people – Our lovely Richard Hodgson who took on a gigantism and noble task of being the voice of the user, with our new procurement System – Source. His patience, training and common sense approach has resulted in a very successful implementation – well done team BM for always rising to a challenge.

Another shout out for Anna Clegg, who organised a brilliant fundraising gala dinner for Ukraine. She did indeed achieve miracles.

I often say we are blessed with those in the #bmFamily💜💚 and once again they proved it so.

Finally, await our Christmas card as we all contributed towards it – so that’s going to be a great surprise from Father Christmas!