Easter Traditions

Being brought up as Christian in Poland, Klaudia kindly shares some fascinating traditions her family partake in every Easter.
What does Easter mean to you?
A family reunion – It’s where we all come together over a weekend and enjoy each others’ company and the creation of traditional delicious food.
How does the weekend begin?
The Saturday morning before Easter Sunday we prepare a basket of ham, sausages, seasoning along with a sugar/chocolate lamb and colourfully painted eggs, these are then taken to church as an offering. Each family member gets to take part in creating the colourful eggs. A lot of what we do, we do as a family.
What else do you do?
Our grandma usually makes her delicious “Zurek (Sour Soup)” consisting of white sausages and a boiled egg in a broth. She makes this on the Saturday and allows it to rest ready for Sunday morning. I always look forward to it as we don’t eat meat for 40 days before Easter Sunday. It is presented in an oval loaf, the top is cut off (creating a lid) and the bread is scooped out to create a bowl shape, the warm soup is then poured in. This year I’m going to be making it for my friends, as I won’t be home for Easter.
We also have a tradition of “cracking the eggs” for breakfast on Sunday. We crack two together over a pan. Each member of the family has their own egg (symbolising the rebirth of Christ). If one doesn’t crack it means that person will have a lucky year.
What do you do for the rest of Easter Sunday?
This year we will have a BBQ with lots of meat, such as ribs and sausages to celebrate.
If you’re looking for some inspiration for Easter this weekend, take a look at our recipe page