Extraordinary Women

What to say in these extraordinary times to acknowledge so many extraordinary women in this world on this Women’s International day ?
(And just to be clear that this isn’t to undermine the male population, who I know sometimes feel that they get left behind in all the hoo haa!)
In recognising international women’s day today, there are many famous names we could mention: women that do great work – along with those that do amazing selfless deeds or deliver ground breaking events and inspire inventions. The achievements of so many amazing women is so diverse and I always find it is humbling that they accept the accolade with such humility .
However, this year I should like to reflect on the women that are quietly so supportive in the lives of all those around them; In the main, always reliable, always delivering, multi-tasking, and putting ego aside they always ensure the best for their colleagues, friends and families
Extraordinary Women within BM
One of the things I love about BM is the number of amazing women I have had the privilege to work with; they are so inspirational in so many ways. They are my spine of solid trust, delivering without complaint, always delivering on time and seeing the job through. I love the fact they are never afraid to question, challenge or improve, and above all are striving for the greater good of the BM company as well as the team rather than themselves.
This amazing spine of women at BM never worry about making themselves look silly, or have a hint of ego when they are executing a task. They know communication is the key and they communicate honestly, openly and effectively. And, above all they are willing to share selflessly as well as recognising the value of others at all times. Not one has tried to build an empire, but has only ever wanted to contribute to the overall success of the #bmFamily💜💚.
I have been very, very blessed to have had many long-term females in our business who have been phenomenally supportive, and delivered over and above expectations. I know the men in our business would also acknowledge these women for what they achieve. Yes!… the men do achieve too; often in different ways, as successfully. However, it is the mix of male and female throughout the leadership team in BM that is our secret ‘sauce’ of success. It provides the recipe for the amazing culture -as a team- we have nurtured over the years.
What I absolutely do know is the importance of having a balance of female/male throughout an organisation. Without it one would risk being too one-dimensional. Male and females add very different elements to an organisational culture – and that mix of the two makes for a greater power of one.
My advice to any aspiring entrepreneur
Is put your ego aside and celebrate the benefits of diversity, accepting that diversity is the recipe for success which can be measured in more ways than a P&L
One of the funniest things I’ve seen recently is a comedy skit about the difference in women and men’s brains – Mark Gungor – Men’s Brain Women’s Brain I personally think there is a slight element of truth in this (we know there are lots of exceptions on both sides) so whilst discussing the difference lets see the humorous side.
The impact of the pandemic
A number of research studies have concluded that the pandemic has had a particularly negative impact on women. The pressures of work and home, that all have faced, has been unprecedented. I know from my own circle that the task of home schooling was the most stressful, whilst trying to fit in the house and the work activities around it. To me, in my simple world of just worrying about me (as I have no children or pets!) it sounded truly horrendous and I was in awe. So a massive shout out for all that has been achieved and just getting through it.
We know lots of women spoke about missing the sense of independently belonging outside of the home; plus missing the physical community of the support from women they have come to rely on. I know it was sorely missed. There is no doubt that women are more engaged with their social circle both personally and at work and the return has meant that once again that amazing female bond can not only be renewed, but strengthened.
Anyway, the point of my ramblings is to acknowledge ALL women – particularly those in the background, as they make the world go round. They carry on regardless of circumstances – as there is little alternative when people are reliant on you for the back-up and consistency of delivery.
Thank You
So, a MASSIVE thank you in particular to the women I work with and let’s hope the world – sooner rather than later – has more women in leadership roles to ensure we make the world a better place to be.