Foodie trends for 2012

Continuing my musings about the big food trends for 2012
In my last blog, I shared my first five ideas about what’s hot and what’s not for 2012, they were the starters, you can find the main course here.
6. Pickling and preserving
I see more and more pickled foods starting to appear on more restaurant menus and recipes. (No one except my family touched Piccalilli a few years back, now they’re all at it!) Richard, one of our star managers has converted one of his bedrooms into a storage room for preserving and pickling and now proudly gives them as gifts all year round. Whether it be at a posh restaurant or in a humble delicatessen a great pickle, piccalilli, or chutney can transform a sandwich into a thing of glory. So here’s to getting pickled in 2012
7. Outdoor dining and cooking
Super sales Sarah at Head Office, is one of the many people I know who built an alternative fantastic out door kitchen(until she moved house that is!). I have several friends doing exactly the same thing and I’m just waiting for them to make their mistakes before I plan an out-door kiln/oven to end all ovens. I hope it doesn’t end up like a crematorium!. Once you’ve got past the idea that it’s a just pizza oven, let your imagination run riot. Out-door dining will be all the rage, if the sun comes out.
8. Rabbit and goat
Hear me out! With the rise in prices for foods like Beef and Chicken I predict the rise of rabbit and goat. I’ve already seen them on the menus and quite frankly why not? I made Fred (Wendy Bartlett’s Dad) rabbit pie only last week and I had enough for 8 portions. Now that’s value! Goat is great. Our friends from the Caribbean have known this for ages but I’m afraid its too late, the secret is out. Robust, tender and sweet it’s a wonderful meat.
9. International flavour
Pop up restaurants have bought wonderful flavours to us and with smaller, simpler menus. We introduced Global Kitchen at bartlett mitchell, it’s a total winner. Be on the lookout for more Thai, Cuban and Hungarian foods.
10. Breakfast is the new Dinner
Restaurants will invent the Great British breakfast and they will become a thing of beauty on our lunch and even supper menus. Finally, I spy waffle irons for sale everywhere. Jamie Oliver has been pushing his waffle batter recipe and as they are such a neutral base they can be topped with sweet or savoury. See if you end up having one before the year is out.
Foodie trends that didn’t happen in 2011 – just to make you smile!
Here are some more food ideas people were shouting about last year and which never took off:
- Meatball mania: We sent Wendy to a meatball shop in New York as they’re supposed to be the thing from last year. I’ve not given up on this trend. Watch bartlett mitchell closely to see if we can make it work.
- Posh Donuts: I think a ditch attempt by the big donut houses of the states to make them the replacement for the cupcake.
- Edible Insects: With their sustainability and low-environmental credentials we’re supposed to be eating them for the sake of the planet. I’m afraid I’m going to pass on that for now.
Have you got any predictions for this year? If you do, let me know and let’s regroup this time next year and see how we got on!