Guardians of Grub Roundtable

At BM we have always taken food waste, and its reduction, very seriously. I was therefore delighted to become an ambassador for the food waste reduction campaign Guardians of Grub. I’m very proud to say that food waste reduction, through new ideas and approaches to cooking and ingredients, really is part of the food culture and ingrained in the DNA of BM. This hasn’t been a quick process but through running our “waste-ed” masterclasses throughout the year and always featuring dishes that feature, potentially, wasted elements on our menus, we’ve got there.
Guardians of Grub Roundtable
We were recently delighted to hold the first roundtable for the ambassadors for Guardians of Grub. We are very lucky at BM to have clients who share our passion for waste reduction and we were able to hold this at one of our sites in London. Of course we wanted to show everyone just a small amount of the dishes and techniques we have developed over the years. Our food development team sprung into action with a menu that featured dish elements including carrot and waste coffee ground purée, candied fermented cauliflower leaves, old bread gnocchi, breadcrumb sponge, Parmesan rind sauce and our porridge bread, to name just a few. It was great to show and share all this knowledge with others from all over the industry in the hope it will inspire them with more ideas of their own and pass this on to their colleagues and more.
We can only control our corner of the yard, but all together, when we are all on the same path, we can really make a difference to food waste in our industry and therefore help support the environment.
If you’d like to try one of our waste-ed dishes here is a great way to use up any leftover potatoes with delicious recipe for Potato Doughnuts