It’s all about Fundamentally Food

I really felt I was at the church of #bmfamily💜💚, as our location for the AGM was a decommissioned church that is now an event space. It’s a challenge to find a central location for our growing family. It’s always an issue as Fundamentally Food is at centre of all our AGMs and we don’t limit the attendance just to managers, so that means larger than necessary numbers and that requires space and facilities.
The Right Spot
It turned out to be just the right spot as we had one section for a theatre style presentation area, where the MDs Angus and Antony shared all the good, great and not so great (IT challenges!) of the past year. The other part was for our Foodie pioneers. What was fantastic was the welcome sight of returnees to #bmfamily💜💚 in the audience. That was so nice, when all newbies are welcomed onto the stage to be celebrated, and there are lots of recognisable faces. It shows the BM team are doing something right in the culture of the family.
Perkee Coffee Festival
This year the AGM was combined with the coffee festival: Miguel, who is the king of coffee, had executed with his team – an amazing Perkee offering. With fantastic new Santo coffee to try, our amazing new organic coffee, and an array of wonderful new suppliers to show innovation, sustainability and forward thinking.
Pop Up Pioneers
We had the street food market with our pop up pioneers. In BM we are really lucky to have an amazing array of talented chefs who offer a wildly diverse foodie dishes from many different cultures. We have brought them together and given them the tools and the stage to go out and share their experience with the rest of the business. We want to support entrepreneurial foodies to do what they do best and that means our customers and team also benefit from their experiences.
A team that gets together stays together
A team that gets together stays together, the feeling of kinship with shared passion and joy was palpable – it’s always a delight, as a founder of a business, to know this is what you created, from not a lot and the team are running with it. Every organisation values their team, I am sure, however as a recent recruit recently said to me. At BM everyone really cares and it’s genuine. The AGM means we can share our news, keeping the team well informed and connected with good communication at heart of it – plus of course #FundamentallyFood.