What do you do when your world is turned upside down?

One day Ian and I had quite a nice business and the next – woosh it was nearly all gone because of Covid-19. Who will ever forget the moment we were all told to stay at home? Now it’s time to build it all up again, despite all the hurdles.
One of the most painful and heart-breaking part of the Covid-19 saga (in common with most hospitality business’) has been letting go of so many of loyal and lovely members of the #bmFamily 💜💚. Despite the sadness of this process I have no regrets about starting our own business twenty years ago.
Our team’s attitude during the last part of their journey with us has been courageous and positive. The #bmFamily💜💚 has an amazingly strong spirit and is ready to face new challenges.
We want to help and support life beyond bartlett mitchell. After all, families look after each other regardless of the circumstances.
Aside from focusing on rebuilding our own business, we have embarked on a new initiative. We have formed bm Links. bm Links connects members of the #bmFamily💜💚 with potential customers who are looking for unique and innovative suppliers. The goal is to support those that find themselves without a job or on reduced income.
We have the connections, resources and expertise. These assets can support team members embarking on a new adventure. It could perhaps be something they have always wanted to do, or maybe form their own start-up (we know all about that!). Another part of the support incudes providing CV guidance and interviewing techniques. We can also support other family members and so reduce the whole families’ stress.
bm Links does what it says. It links into our resources and to more connections in the outside world. Our greatest asset is our people and the entrepreneurial skills they have. We are going to harness these now and support those in the #bmFamily 💜💚 who need our help outside bartlett mitchell.