What this year has taught us

Everyone says “what a year” – but what else can you say? There is no denying, it has been one we won’t forget!
There is of course lots to say :- lots of opinions and lots of good and bad, so I don’t need to add to that.
So here we are at the end of the year with a not so usual Merry Christmas and Happy New Year involved for some.
Yet, for what it’s worth this is what I have learnt :-
- Values are important – they are the anchor and guidelines for direction. Not having clarity has been stressful, not knowing what and when working and what it will look like has been the recurrent theme this year. So where you can give clarity – even if it’s an honest you ‘don’t now’, then make sure you let people know.
- Have a plan, not just the financial sort, and share it. Even if it changes, people need to know what the future will look like and where you are going. We create an annual business plan to share with our team. This year will be no different, even though we know we will have to adapt it – several times!
- Communication is everything. Not lots of corporate fluff, but real conversations and most importantly, staying in touch and being reliable, as a someone who is constant. Keep it real, strong and consistent to all, not just the selected few.
- Working together as a team. You can only do this if you all feel like a team and most importantly, the people at the top behave as one too.
- Take the time for those moments of kindness or thoughtful touches. Especially now, they make all the difference.
- Being united – having a unifying call. The #bmFamily💜💚 has come into its own and the glue that has kept us together and supported as one.
- Say thank you, it will make a difference to someone’s day
- Innovation and enterprise needs support. There have been lots of amazing initiatives and people from all levels driving and adapting and making things happen. Don’t think about it too much, just make it happen.
- Doing what you say you are going to do. In these days of uncertainty it’s important that you can be relied on. Even if it’s saying you can’t do it or asking for deadline extensions.
- Foster acts of kindness. We all need it at the moment.
What I have seen this year is that trust at times of uncertainly is a really valuable commodity. It comes from behaviour – not words – and best of all it’s a gift that keeps on giving.
So I trust in that 2021 will be better and that the world will find its own equilibrium.
Enjoy Christmas and celebrate what you do have. Even if that’s peace and quiet, when you are normally in the middle of family mayhem!
Finally thank you to the very important people in my life – the #bmFamily💜💚. You have always been there with your open and honest values:- outspoken, irritating, funny, bizarre, cheeky and all things diverse, but it’s what makes us a wonderful family in the truest sense.
Merry Christmas one and all.