Gender pay gap data

bartlett mitchell is committed to equal pay opportunities for men and women. We actively encourage women to apply for senior roles and we provide the support and training that enables them to do so. Whilst we recognise that our gender pay gap is lower than similar companies in our industry, we acknowledge that there is more work to be done to continue reducing the key 6% result and improve on all results. The improvement of our position is an integral part of our business plan for the future.
Data for year ending March 2017
- Women’s hourly rate is 6.6% lower (mean) and 3.2% lower (median).
- Top salary quartile has 58.6% men and 41.4% women
- Upper middle salary quartile has 56.1% men and 43.9% women
- Lower middle salary quartile has 51% men and 49% women
- Lower salary quartile has 37.4% men and 62.6% women
- Women’s bonus pay is 47.1% lower (mean) and 72.1% lower (median)
- 9% of men and 10% of women received bonus pay