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Getting vital aid to Ukraine


After having raised almost £50,000 through our Golden Hearts dinner, a van full of medical aid and children’s teddy bears recently made the 4,700-mile journey to Ukraine and back.

Traveling to Ukraine

Richard Yates of our supplier partner Ellis Wines traversed seven countries to get there, where he distributed the ECGs, medical equipment and teddy bears bought with the funds raised at the event to hospitals and community hubs. Richard and his team also delivered casualty first aid training to Ukrainian soldiers.

As well as training regiments in bleed control using pressure bandages, haemostatic gauze, and tourniquets, and casualty positioning, 80 people in total were trained in how to use the delivered lifesaving kits.

The team also attended a town heaving with displaced people, many of which were children, where much of the teddy bears were dropped off.

Continuing Support

After two years of war, casualties, death and destruction, the Ukrainians still need our support, in aid of which we are already planning future fundraising activities with our supplier partners.

Read more about Richard’s experiences in Ukraine