How do we promote healthy eating

Healthy food is hard-wired into our DNA – our strapline is ‘fundamentally food’. Customers know we don’t use over-processed ingredients, and all our menus contain seasonal, natural ingredients.
“My approach is to keep everything as natural as possible. We use what nature has produced and not something from a factory in a country we have never been to. I recruit chefs who share my ethos to use natural ingredients so that we create delicious menus to inspire customers to eat well”.
There is a mass of conflicting healthy food information in the media and this is confusing for customers. bartlett mitchell’s role as a responsible workplace caterer is to cut through this and provide up-to-date factual information. Our award-winning DARE ‘Delicious And Responsible Eating programme empowers customers with the information they need to make informed decisions about what they eat. DARE covers a range of more than 20 topics including healthy fats, glycemic load, proteins and Omega 3. I have created recipes to accompany each of these topics so that not only are they cooked in our restaurants, customers are also inspired to make them at home.
Food and menus with particular health benefits are highlighted throughout the year with customer communication including merchandising, social media, road shows and point of sale. For example, good fats such as those found in olive oil and some vegetables are promoted with added incentives of free meals for customers who claim their loyalty points. All DARE recipes’ nutritional content is available through our customer APP, available on Android and Apple.
We work with our nutritionist Penny to create menus that meet all our customers needs whether they are just walking to work or training for a marathon. We have partnered with Myfitnesspal, the APP that allows customers to set goals and track their diet and exercise.
We have also developed a range of tasty and healthy meals and snacks to allow customers to monitor their calorie intake. This range, called ‘BELOW’ is immediately recognisable using clear labels and point of sale.
Busy customers are on the look-out for healthy grab and go options, which is why we developed our Raw & Ripe fruit and vegetable smoothie concept. Raw & Ripe provides the joy of a treat with a health boost.
From our overall natural food ethos and DARE, to specific food concepts we promote healthy eating to all our customers in its broadest sense.
The above article appeared in b&i catering and the full article can be read here