Covid-19 Info Hub
Support continues during an unprecedented time

This has been a challenging time to say the least, but I’m really inspired by what I’ve seen from so many people.
Like most caterers, the vast majority of our restaurants and coffee shops are closed. In normal circumstances, I’d be spending this week visiting our sites and enjoying the hustle and bustle of a busy restaurant. Instead, I’ve been enjoying the hustle and bustle of a variety of zoom calls with members of the #bmFamily💜💚 and our clients. We live in strange times.
They say that adversity often brings out the best in people. This is what we are seeing across the country and bartlett mitchell is responding too.
Supporting the homeless and vulnerable across London
When our client sites closed at the beginning of the lockdown, the bm teams were pleased (with the support of our amazing clients) to donate all our remaining near-dated fresh produce to a number of local projects supporting the homeless and vulnerable across London, including the Felix Project and City Harvest.
Chefs volunteering across London
This week we’ve also just started discussing with a number of our wonderful clients, how we can all support some of the many incredible projects cooking delicious meals for key workers or for the vulnerable, with bm chefs volunteering across London. It’s right that we all do what we can.
We have dozens of examples of team members not just chefs cooking for others in their communities and volunteering, one of my favourite initiatives includes seeing one of our chefs at a law firm offer online cooking lessons for their employees’ children.
100th Pump Aid water pump in rural Malawi
Finally, this week we were delighted to receive confirmation that our Thirsty Planet bottled water initiative has now funded our 100th Pump Aid water pump in rural Malawi. Sales of water in our client sites have enabled bm to provide clean, safe drinking water to 11,000 people in some of the poorest areas of rural Africa. An amazing achievement and stark reminder at this time that many in the world are living without the most basic of provisions. Our teams are so happy to support this project.
There’s no doubt that our sector is struggling right now, however these little gestures help give us purpose and keep us all going. I know that, despite the issues that this is bringing, we will all get through this and come out much stronger at the other end.