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Who we are

Michaela Mulvey

Marketing and Technology Innovation Manager

Michaela Mulvey

My job is to make sure the world knows about the remarkable talents and insights available in the #BMFamily. In recent years, I’ve made the most of platforms like TikTok, amassing over 85,000 followers. To support this, I’ve created the ‘Lunch at work’ podcast, where inspiring guests talk about their strategies for improving the workplace environment.

Having joined BM in 2018 as a junior designer, I evolved gradually into my current role. I’ve been delighted to receive a couple of awards along the way: the Catey Innovation Award in 2022, and the BM Founders Award in 2023. I think these were at least partly in recognition of the way I’ve revolutionised the company’s social-media presence – mainly by introducing some really engaging video content, which is quite a new thing for the contract catering industry. 

I love doing a job that’s all about food – because I love food! One of my most treasured memories is the vivid image of my grandmother expertly crafting lemon meringue pies. I remember the towering meringue, its sweetness perfectly balanced by the tang of the lemon filling – and I’m still trying to recreate it!